I've just finished listening to Focus on the Family's adaptation of C. S. Lewis's 'Voyage of the Dawn Treader'
and whole-heartedly recommend this production to anyone interested in top notch contemporary
I've been following Focus on the Family for the past year or so, and their previous
productions have been of variable, but consistently improving, quality.
(It is nice to follow a group, and to see (or, should I say, hear) them grow.)
'Voyage of the Dawn Treader' is the first of their Narnia adaptations that I have to
say surpasses the BBC version.
Stirring original music. Fine soundscaping. Solid performances, a good variety of voices --
the duffers, slavers, albatross, lamb, and Aslan are all delightfully well done.
I was particularly impressed by the two dragons; they SOUND like two distinct individual dragons.
The old, sick, dying dragon SOUNDS old, sick, and dying, while Eustace-transformed-into-a-dragon
sounds like a dragon who is really a frightened confused boy should sound -- very well thought
out combination of recorded animals is used to depict the two dragons. The scripting for
the six half hour episodes is also clever, providing good cliff-hangers, especially for the
early episodes. Altogether a really enjoyable experience.
I found the copy I listened to in
the children's section of the local megabookstore.
In fact a lot of good audio drama and full cast readings are being produced for children.
Words Take Wing are another group I've been following. 'The Search For Delicious',
a full cast reading, is a favorite of mine from among their productions.
-- Pat Keleher |