Act One Audio
These 4 sets of 3 cds per box series is a repackageing of the works of Jim French producitons. Jim has been producing weekly radio drama for broadcast for a number of years. His titles are also carried on XM's Sonic Theatre. Each half hour show is either a studio production or a live performance with music and sound effects. I have enjoyed these productions a good solid stories well done. My only complaint, having heard considerably more than just this series is the use of the same voices over many shows. Obviously this is a problem many of us have to wrestle with. TOPICS ENTERTAINMENT at: Costco, Sam's, Barnes and Noble, Borders, Amazon |
As used on this site, the terms audio drama and radio drama refer to
content that contains acting, sound effects and music presented as a dramatic audio
performance. Audiobooks or Books on Tape are usually an audio book that is read
with or without music and sound effects. For a further explanation see this page.
Producers who wish to have their material reviewed should contact