- Angry Filmmaker SurvivalGuide Part 2: Sound Conversations With (un) Sound People, Kelley Baker, Angry Filmmaker, Inc. 2011
- Beyond Dolby (Stereo) - Cinema In The Digital Sound Age, Mark Kerins, Indiana University Press, 2011
- "Dense Clarity - Clear Density" by Walter Murch
- Designing Sound, Andy Farnell, MIT Press, 2010 ISBN 978-0-262-01441-0
- Dialogue Editing for Motion Pictures: A Guide to the Invisible Art Vol II, John Purcell Focal Press 2014
- Dialogue Editing for Motion Pictures: A Guide to the Invisible Art, John Purcell Focal Press 2007
- In The Blink of an Eye, Walter Murch, Silman-James Press 1995 & 2001
- In The Field - The Art of Field Recording, Cathy Lane & Angus Carlyle, Uniformbooks, 2013 (Sound Artist)
- Location Audio Simplified, S. Dean Miles, realworldaudio. (available at Location Sound )
- Location Sound Bible, Ric Viers Michael Wiese Productions 2012 ISBN 978 1 61593 120
- Practical Art of Motion Picture Sound, David Yewdall, Focal Press published by Focal Press 2003, 2013
- Producing Great Sound for Film & Digital Video, Jay Rose, published by CMP Books 1999 [ISBN 1578202086]
4th edition Focal Press [ISBN 978-0-415-72207-0] 2015
Audio Post-Production for Film & Video Online, Jay Rose, published by CMP Books 1st Edition 2002, 2nd Edition 2009 Focal Press
- Roll Sound A Practical Guide for Location Sound, John Fielden, My Planet Press, 2010
- Sound for Television and Film, Tomlinson Holman, Focal Press, (new edition Mar 2010)
- Sound for Digital Video, Tomlinson Holman, (paperback), published by Focal Press [ISBN 0240807200] 2005
- Sound for Picture, Tom Kenny published by Artistpro [ISBN 0872887243]
- Sound Man, Richard Patton Location Sound ltd 2010 ISBN 978 0 9866077 0 7
- Soundtrack Success: A Digital Storyteller's Guide to Audio Post-Production, Jeffrey P. Fisher, Course Technology 2012
- Videographers’ Audio Handbook, John Fielden, Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (March 24, 2011)
Sound Effects
- Art of the Sound Effects Editor, Marvin Kerner Focal Press 1989
- Earth is a Solar Powered Jukebox (PDF Book 270 pages)- A complete guide to listening, recording, and sound designing with nature. (Exercises require purchase of CD)
[ Techniques for recording location environments and what to include when building environments.]
- The Foley Grail: The Art of Performing Sound for Film, Games, and Animation, Vanessa Theme Ament published by Focal Press [ISBN 0240811259]
- The Sound Effects Bible, Ric Viers Michael Wiese Productions ISBN 978-1-932907-48-3 2008
- Radio Sound Effects, Robert L. Mott, McFarland & Company Inc. 1993
- Sound Effects: Radio, TV, and Film, Robert L. Mott, McFarland & Company Inc. 1990
- Audio in Media, Stanley R. Alten, Cengage Learning.
- Audio-Vision: Sound on Screen, Michel Chion, Columbia University Press (April 15, 1994)
- Lowering The Boom - Critical Studies in Film Sound, Jay Beck and Tony Grajeda, University of Illinois Press, 2008
- Sonic Boom - How Sound Transforms The Way We Think, Feel, and Buy, Joel Beckerman, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014
- Sound Design - The Expressive Power of Music, Voice, and Sound Effects in Cinema, David Sonnenschein (2001) Michael Wiese Productions at FilmSound.org
- Sound-On-Film: Interviews with Creators of Film Sound, Vincent LoBrutto published by Praeger [ISBN 0275944433]
- Sound Theory Sound Practice, Rick Altman, Routledge 1992
- The Great Animal Orchestra, Bernie Krause, Little, Brown and Company, 2012
- One Square Inch of Silence, Gordon Hempton and John Grossmann, Free Press, 2009
- The Sound Book, Trevor Cox, W.W. Nortn & Company, 2014
- The Soundscape - Our Sonic Environment and the Turning of the World, R. Murry Schafer, Destiny Books, 1977, 1994
- Voices of the Wild, Bernie Krause, Yale University Press 2015
- Zero Decibles - The Quest For Absolute Silence, George Michelsen Foy, Scribner, 2010
Other Readings at Filmsound.org
- Building A Recording Studio, Jeff Cooper, 5th Edition, synergy Group, Inc. 0916899-00-4
Special Sound - The Creation and Legacy of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop, Louis Niebur, Oxford, 2010